Spring is in the Air!

You can tell it’s spring when soccer starts up and . . . . . my allergies start to hit!  I’ve been impressed with our boys and how resilient they’ve been to busier schedules and last-minute plans.  I always feel a tinge of regret when we just lay around the house on Saturdays yet this past Saturday was one of our busiest yet!  

BYU Volleyball

Da Boyz with Cosmo at the BYU Vball Game! Nice unintentional photobomb in the back

Here’s a recap:

10am: Head out the door to go clothes shopping

11:30: Watched the Mr. Peabody and Sherman Movie

1:30: Food shopping for the week

3:30: head out the door to soccer

5:00: Head to In-N-Out for dinner

6:00: Hit the mall to ‘kill time’ between activities

7:00: BYU Volleyball Game

10:00: Arrive back home and head downstairs for Family Bed!

The best part of the weekend was that between gift cards, family promotions, reading awards from our local library, and GroupOn Deals, we were able to get all this done at around $40. . . .well, not including groceries but still – not bad considering that got us to the volleyball game, movies, In-n-Out and snacks!


Practicing while watching Big Sis and her team win their first game of spring ball

The boys have been doing well on their reading – both are above grade level and are moving along well.  Twin A, especially, loves to read on his own.  My wife signed the boys up for a reading program through our local library and they came home the proud owners of FOUR free burgers from In-n-Out . . . . . so dinner was on the boys!  We hadn’t been to In-n-Out in probably 18 months so it was a nice little treat for our family.


Fun meal courtesy of our boys and the local library reading program! Thx In-n-Out!

This last picture is blurry but it is of Twin A running down the street to give a present to a little girl “J” in his class.  A few weeks ago, we went to a birthday luau for one of the kid’s cousins and Twin A kept one of the party favors and asked if he could stop by J’s house and deliver it to her.  Well, she wasn’t home so after a fun Family Night Activity during the week, my wife made little goodie bags the kids could deliver to one friend and Twin A picked J.  Unfortunately, she wasn’t home and one of her siblings answered the door but still, it’s fun to watch the kids grow up and develop their own crushes and friendships

Little Crush

Twin A delivering his St. Patty’s Day present to “J” – a girl in his class. 🙂

Have a great week!

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