Valentine’s Day “Heart” Attack

One of the reasons we moved three years ago was to be closer to family. We saw one of my brothers move back to HI almost two years ago, but we also welcomed one of my brother-in-laws and his significant other to the area. They are so good to our kids – whenever we have something family oriented, they always stop by to support. Last week, they came to my daughter’s soccer game and watched her score three goals in her game.

Quick note on that game – her team is in an indoor league and is one of the two all-girl teams. They only have five girls playing (it’s a 4-4 league) so the games have been a battle – first they are short-handed and second, are playing against coed or all-boy teams. They’re team finished the fall league undefeated and this will hopefully, just toughen them up more and prepare them for some tough competition in spring.

Anyway, Uncle K and Aunty M come to so many activities we decided we would try and return the favor so we did a ‘heart attack’ today!  Last year, we did a heart attack to my parents in Hawaii.  We cut out hearts a week early and a friend back home went and ‘attacked’ my parents – you can see the post here.

Valentine's Day Heart Attack

Happy Valentine’s Day

The boys tried drawing designs on the hearts and also, writing their own little messages – grateful for kindergarten and the skills they are learning.  Fun family activity!  Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours!

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